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Old Oct 20, 2007, 09:27 PM // 21:27   #21
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I always looked at the solo quests/missions in a different light than most.

When I first started out playing Guildwars, I namely played by myself. I was in a large impersonal guild, my friends who got me into the game and I were on different schedules, or too advanced or got annoyed with how many times I messed up (I admit, I was aggravating). I grabbed up henchies and went on my merry little way, only in a few places did I actually need to get real people and that was all right with me.

As time moved on (and I got better), I started working with others and having a blast at it. Working slowly on missions, slow and steady is a definite way to go. BUt.. those whom I work with arent' always on when I am, as my schedule is..odd to say the least.

So I look at the solo missions that GWEN has.. as an oppertunity to continue on in an area - on my own, but still not going further into the storyline without my crew. So honestly I think the Solo content, is a nice happy medium for both types of players. Those whom are social (but not always able to meet up with friends in game) and those whom are content with going at it alone.

Just call me a gamer optimist (*Gasp* we do exist!)
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Old Oct 20, 2007, 10:13 PM // 22:13   #22
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most of the solo's annoy me so good thing its optional,the game caters for many people, looks like alot of poeple like the solos, more variety ot the general gamei guess...
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Old Oct 20, 2007, 11:12 PM // 23:12   #23
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Opp: I can't remember I had to finish a mission in NF solo. Can you tell me the name of that mission?
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Old Oct 20, 2007, 11:16 PM // 23:16   #24
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The one involving rallying the princes comes to mind, in the orchard. Though if I remember correctly, it's more of a quest than full mission.
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Old Oct 21, 2007, 12:05 AM // 00:05   #25
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With the exception of Cold as Ice, which is a pain in the rear, I don't mind the occasional solo encounter.
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Old Oct 21, 2007, 12:19 AM // 00:19   #26
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Originally Posted by Karyuu
The one involving rallying the princes comes to mind, in the orchard. Though if I remember correctly, it's more of a quest than full mission.
Ah ha. When you mentioned an orchard, I remembered its name. Tihark Orchard. That was fun, too.
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Old Oct 21, 2007, 07:22 AM // 07:22   #27
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I've been playing through EotN with my monk and it is pretty stupid when there are quests that I can only beat by loading up my bar with skills from a secondary profession (smiting skills just arent enough to do some of these solo quests). Of course this means going and buying a bunch of secondary skills since I never use any non-healing secondary skills.
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Old Oct 21, 2007, 07:44 AM // 07:44   #28
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Actually, i am surprised that peopel seem to like em so much ... given how much whining various quests got.

I dont mid their existance per se, its nice gimmick, but there is just too much of them and that gets ... anoying. I just dont want this go even further.

Going out there and having choice of going alone and pwning = good. being orced to separate from party and use gimmick = bad.
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Old Oct 21, 2007, 07:54 AM // 07:54   #29
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Too many? Oh please. You're being forced to do this like... twice. Total. Stop whining.
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Old Oct 21, 2007, 08:33 AM // 08:33   #30
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Obviously it isn't "every single quest". There are hundreds of quests which are designed to be done with a team.

No one is twisting your arm to get you to play Polymock, or the punch out tournament.

Variety ftw.
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Old Oct 21, 2007, 03:37 PM // 15:37   #31
Furnace Stoker
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Originally Posted by zwei2stein

But now, 1/3rd of quests both in Norn and in Asuran territories are like this. One dungeon, and couple of dwarf quests on top of that.
You do realise that out of the few solo quests which exist in GWEN, only one or two are actually difficult. The Grifin one and the Bear one. But what is the reward for doing them?

Some Norn pve only skill you probably dont need or would never use!

If you dont want to do them, then dont do them. I gave up on doin the Grifffin and Bear one, and I dont like Polymock or Nor tournaments. The Draw Boxing dungeon was easy.

Your talking maybe 3 or 4 quests/dungeons out of dozens. You dont have to do them.
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Old Oct 22, 2007, 12:32 AM // 00:32   #32
Desert Nomad
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It's hardly that bad. The quests are all pretty quick. Most are just beat one guy and you're done. Besides, it actually makes sense AND fits with lore. The norn are all about warriors. I'm frankly surprised that all their quests aren't solo. As is, it's proper that if you're trying to win their respect, you have to beat down all challengers single handed. Sort of the same with dwarf boxing. You reckon kilroy would have any respect for you at all if you turn up to a boxing match with your posse to beat down one lone guy? And the solo dungeon? You have boxing skills, and kilroy. Both of you are pretty much unkillable. Unless you can't be bothered to mash 8 if you go down.

Likewise with polymock. How else would you play that? One of him against 8 of you? I like the solo quests. Much more interesting.
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